Annual Report

2024 Annual General Meeting PowerPoint :

Please click the link below to see the information presented at the 2024 SSCA AGM

SSCA-2024 AGM slides 2024 July 6

SSCA 2024 Annual General Meeting

The 2024 SSCA AGM is to be held on July 6th at the Schoolhouse on the Community Centre property starting at 10:00AM. Meeting details were posted in the Annual Yearbook, posted on the SSCA website event calendar, announced in the SSCA Newsletter and posted on the SSCA Facebook group.

The link to the 2024 AGM Zoom meeting can be found here

Join Zoom Meeting – Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 656 638 5947

Dial in numbers
• +1 647 374 4685 Canada

• +1 305 224 1968 US

The 2023 unaudited Financial Statements to be approved at the 2023 are here – Link

The 2023 unapproved SSCA AGM Minutes can be found here – Link

The draft SSCA revised By-Laws 1 & 2 can be found here – Link


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