2016 Annual General Meeting

2016 Annual General Meeting – July 23, 2016, 10:00am


Held at the Community Center, Frying Pan Island, July 23, 2016, at 10:00 am


Directors Present: Irene Chambers, Stuart Hatcher, Sue Herbold, Bert Leverance, Holly Loell, Gregg Scott, Isabel Treichel, Paul Treichel. Absent: Naomi Campbell, Alicia Campbell, Bill Mooney, Patrick O’Kell, Fred Schweitzer.


Bert Leverance, SSCA Board President, chaired the meeting; Isabel Treichel, SSCA Board Secretary, acted as Secretary. Sixty-six persons signed the attendance sheet.




The chair welcomed attendees to the 113th AGM of the SSCA.  Notice for the meeting had been provided to the membership in the 2015 Yearbook, distributed in spring, 2016, and a reminder of the meeting was sent to members via e-mail prior to the meeting.  The agenda items for the meeting were featured in a PowerPoint presentation created by the Chair and Board members.  The slides accompanying the agenda will be posted in the SSCA website.


2015 AGM MINUTES:  The minutes from the 2015 AGM were distributed to the Association members by e-mail prior to the meeting. (The 2016 yearbook listed on motions from the 2015 AGM.)


MOTION: to approve the minutes of the 2015 AGM by Isabel Treichel, seconded by Sue Herbold; motion carried with no one opposed.


TREASURER’S REPORT: Al Stratton summarized the financial report for 2015. The full report is filed with the minutes of this meeting.


MOTION:  by Jamie Westaway, second by Penny Pepperell, to approve the report.  Motion carried with no one opposed.


MOTION: by Al Stratton, seconded by Gregg Scott, to approve the Auditor’s report from Kreston, GTA, for 2015; motion passed with no one opposed.


PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT:  Stuart Hatcher reported that work on the deck in front of the dockhouse would begin soon. Replacement of the schoolhouse roof will occur in fall, approximate cost is expected to be around $10,000 and bids for the project are being sought.  The staff (Brad Carmichael, Steve James) has done an excellent job keeping the property in good condition.


Planning for the new Community Center is on hold until there is resolution on the sale of Henry’s.


ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE:  Sue Herbold summarized Environment Committee activities.  She alerted the membership to the serious problems presented by phragmites, showed a sample of this invasive species to the attendees, and urged members to be alert if phragmites are found and to communicate this information and take steps to eliminate them.


Please note: Samples for water testing must be submitted in Parry Sound on Mondays only and samples must be there by noon.  The SSCA will take samples to Parry Sound on August 8.


MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE:  Gregg Scott reported that membership is down from last year (378 vs. 405 full memberships, 9 Associate memberships).  He encouraged members to connect with neighbors and friends and encourage them to take out memberships.  He encouraged members to use the electronic payment option.


FIRE AND SAFETY: Bert Leverance summarized information concerning fire zones.  The committee determined that outdated flares can be taken to the OPP for disposal.


PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Holly Loell reported that the Day Care program now runs from 10 am – 3 pm; the program will continue through August 26. The average daily attendance is nine. She summarized the other SSCA programs: Yoga, Book Club (26 attendees at the last session), Church on the Rock, Sailing club..   A volunteer is needed to take over the Regatta next year.  The final potluck this year is on August 13.


NOMINATIONS:  Sue Herbold announced the selection of Al Stratton to replace David Ashley as Treasurer.


MOTION:  to approve the appointment of Al Stratten as Treasurer, by Eric Armour, second by Nancy Westaway; Motion passed with no one opposed.


GBA:  Two zoning issues (Florence Island and Macey Bay) are to be deliberated by the OMB in the next year.  The GBA opposes development plans and seeks support of their position from the SSCA.


MOTION: to support GBA in its opposition to development of Macey Bay, by John Pepperell, seconded by Sue Herbold, passed with no one opposed.


There were brief presentations by Bob Duncan (GBLT) and David Sweetum (GBA Forever).


TOA:  David Ashley reported that a draft of the Official Plan (OP) is available on the township website and there will be a public meeting on the OP on August 19 at 10:00 am.  New property assessments from MPAC were mailed on July 11, the average increase will be phased in over 4 years.


Gary Joice, the municipal bylaw enforcement officer, spoke briefly about his duties.




MOTION:  By Bertie Liverance, seconded by Jamie Westaway, to approve actions taken by the SSCA Board of Directors during the past year; passed with no one opposed.


The meeting adjourned at 11:45 am; attendees were invited to attend the members lunch.


Click here for a copy of the 2016 Financial Report.