Ward 4 Update October 2023

Township of the Archipelago Ward 4 Update, October 2023
It is our pleasure to submit this report to the Ward 4 Associations.*  Here are a few of
the things we have been working on this season.

Deerhorn Conference 2023
We are looking forward to a productive Deerhorn Conference this weekend (October
21), wherein representatives from Ratepayers’ Associations get together with TOA Staff
and Council to discuss and brainstorm about issues the Township is working on.

In recognition of the outsized impact of cigarette litter on our waterways, Council passed
a motion at our October meeting calling on the Provincial government to include
cigarette producers in the move to Full Producer Responsibility.
The initial purchase of 200 Foodcyclers that The Township has made available to
residents at a subsidized price were sold out by mid-July. Council approved the
purchase of 100 more, and we have only 26 FC-30 (2.5L) units left in stock. They are
still being sold on a first come, first serve basis. Please call the Township Office at 705-
746-4243 if you have any questions regarding the program. See foodcycler.com for
more information on the product.
The subsidized Foodcycler program is but one of several strategies we’re working on to
reduce the amount of waste going to our one landfill site (Site 9) and extend its life.

Climate Change
The Township of The Archipelago council has adopted a Corporate Climate Action Plan
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It is a plan that contains dozens of specific and
measurable actions that can be taken by staff in all departments and overseen by
As a member of the Integrated Communities Energy and Climate Action Plans
(ICECAP) partnership, the township will work toward reducing energy use and
emissions in its buildings and facilities, fleet, outdoor lighting, and corporate waste, with
a goal to reduce its operating emissions by 30 per cent below the 2016 levels by 2030.
As technology and regulatory advancements allow, the TOA will strive to achieve net-
zero corporate GHG emissions by 2050 or earlier.

Tree Preservation and Site Alteration Bylaws
As you know, Council has been working on developing regulations placing limits on the
destruction of mature trees and on site alteration (blasting, fill, etc.), with a view to
protecting and preserving the Georgian Bay shoreline and natural environment. We had

public meetings over a year ago and we continue to work with an independent planning
firm to develop the best possible approach. At our August meeting, Council received
and discussed a draft Bylaw from this firm. Having received Council’s feedback, staff is
currently making some minor amendments, and we will be scheduling the next round of
public meetings likely for spring 2024. We will keep you apprised of developments of

The Museum on Tower Hill
This is a PSA! The West Parry Sound District Museum, commonly known as the
Museum on Tower Hill, is dedicated to preserving and interpreting the rich history of the
district for generations to come. Today the Museum continues its mission to collect,
preserve and share the West Parry Sound District's history with visitors and future
generations, and provide our community with opportunities to explore contemporary
topics relevant to today.
The Museum has almost returned to pre-pandemic visitor numbers! Next time you’re in
Parry Sound be sure to check it out. There’s a special exhibit featuring the art of your
township’s Reeve continuing until mid-December.

MPAC Assessment
Much to the dismay of municipalities across the province, the Government of Ontario
recently announced the continued postponement of the province-wide assessment
update for the 2024 taxation year. This means property values for the purposes of
taxation will continue to be based on the January 2016 MPAC assessments until then
(at least).
TOA Council passed a resolution asking the Province to reconsider this decision.

*  Dave Ashley, Rick Zanussi and Alice Barton will be providing updates on a roughly
quarterly basis. If you want to know what the Township is doing more up-to-the-minute,
we recommend you (a) connect to the TOA on social media (Facebook & Twitter), (b)
register for the TOA’s E-Newsletter; and/or (c) for the real nitty gritty, Committee &
Council agendas & minutes are posted on the Township web site, and our YouTube
page maintains the recordings of our meetings. Also, each of us is available if you want
to contact us directly.