SSCA Clips: Summer 2024

We will be providing you with regular videos of what is happening with your SSCA through our new social media videos called SSCA Clips

July SSCA Programs and Events: Director of Programs, Tory Cadotte, provides the membership with July 2024 events


June SSCA Events: Volunteer Day and Canada Day. Director of Programs, Tory Cadotte, gives us an update on Canada Day and the Potluck on June 29, 2024. To register: RSVP button link:

Day Camp News: Listen to Senior Camp Counsellor Emma Bentley-Taylor overview Summer Camp 2024

May 2024 SSCA Clips: Glen Campbell talks about the New Community Build


The Schoolhouse renovation is now complete so come take a look at the changes. See the New Community building outline completed with ropes on the actual site of the build. Imagine how great it will be to gather and enjoy our spectacular views of our special part of Georgian Bay from our New Community Centre!