Membership Vote Change

Membership Change Vote:
This is the final reminder about the proposed bi-law amendment in regards to adding 10 new memberships. This is your time to have your voice heard!
Attached is the Notice of the Proposed Change:
Please read carefully and submit your vote (YES OR NO) to before Friday, October 30th, 2020. This will NOT be voted on at the AGM.  The board decided to do this as a separate vote. Currently, we have 5 of families on the wait list for next year. This extra capital will possibly allow us to create some exciting additions and maintain our property to a high standard.
Dues Payment Schedule Change:
Heads up! The timing of our dues will coincide with the SSCA’S date of January 31st. Please pay both at the same time. We hope this will be easier for everyone.
For those of you wishing to contribute to future newsletters you can reach Meagan at
Tennis Committee 2020:
Nancy Bowen – President
Graeme Scott – Vice President
Tom Blackett – Past President
Greg Cunningham – Treasurer
Susan O’Reilly – Secretary
John Weir – Property & Maintenance
Leslie Hayes – SSCA Liaison
Meagan Blackett – Communications
Ernie Kovacs – Member-At-Large