Dock House Closure

To all members of the SSCA, we regret to inform you that the SSCA Board of Directors have decided to immediately close the Dock House based upon the Property Chairs’ recent report on the state of the building.

Although it may appear that this building is fine for general use, it is not. The high water and wave action that we are all now experiencing has placed the footing of the building in serious question. Furthermore, our electric system which travels under the building, is being constantly exposed to water. As a result, we have turned off the electrical supply to the Dock House. In addition to structural and electrical concerns, the septic system that supports the 2 washrooms and kitchen in the building is at risk of being breached. Fortunately, we have the School House with two fully operational washrooms that are supported by a separate septic system.

This week, the caretaker staff will be moving critical items (i.e. First Aid Supplies and equipment) from the Dock House to the School House. We will also re-locate the wireless internet to the School House.

Visiting the property, you will also notice several new large water coolers located in the School House and the Tennis Pavilion. Please only use this water for drinking. Water in the washrooms and the School House kitchen is for washing hands only since it is not treated.

These are challenging times, but we are trying our best to have as normal a summer as possible. Activities already scheduled will be in the School House. Your Board is holding several discussions this summer to develop a medium to longer term plan for the property and buildings which we will report on in the coming months.

Thank you for your understanding.

Michael Ugarenko
Chair of Property SSCA