President’s Message

 SUMMER 2024: President Glen Campbell

Dear SSCA members

You might be inclined to think of the SSCA Board like the Canadian Senate:  We have no real authority, and we don’t really do anything. We can’t even keep the Georgian Bay water level stable. But this year we were able to make progress in a number of areas.

In February, the SSCA reached an important milestone, with pledges to our Community Centre fundraising campaign reaching our $2 million target.  We are very grateful for the tremendous support this campaign has received. We owe a special thank-you to Eric Armour, who has led the fundraising effort.  Renovations to the schoolhouse, coordinated masterfully by Jackie Koza, are on track for completion this spring.  For the new building, we are now finalizing our site plan and building design, with construction targeted for 2024-25.  Once we have certainty on costs (and hopefully, additional member pledges), we will take decisions on new space for fitness and reconstruction of the waterfront decks.

Another milestone was reached in January, with the signing of an updated agreement between SSCA and the Sans Souci Tennis Club, including the planned transfer of the Brand Cottage to SSTC.  This new agreement gives SSTC a secure long-term tenancy and provides SSCA with income to help cover our facilities costs.

Advocacy for the protection of the Georgian Bay environment remains a key SSCA priority.  On most issues, we rely on the Georgian Bay Association, which can advocate far more effectively than the SSCA or other member associations could possibly do on our own.   I think you will agree that the SSCA’s $65/member contribution to the GBA is among the best investments your family will make in 2024.  Last year SSCA also became a member of the Federation of Ontario Cottage Associations, receiving a group insurance discount which almost completely offsets the cost of our FOCA membership.

Last summer, SSCA Environment Chair Katherine Denune initiated our Island Stewards programme.  This new volunteer team has taken on stewardship of important crown-owned islands in our area, starting with Pomeroy Island and the western half of Frying Pan Island.  Contact Katherine for more information or if you would like to participate.

Your Board and volunteers have also been busy on behind-the-scenes projects. We have worked to clean up and expand our member database and you will see that this year’s directory has What3Words codes to easily locate member properties.  When paying your dues or registering for SSCA activities in the past year, you will have used our new electronic sign-up forms.  Thanks to Eric Armour for leading our “digital transition”.   Rhonda Lennox is helping to streamline and update our website. Finally, Michael Reddy is leading an effort to update SSCA’s by-laws to meet the requirements of the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, and to create a more modern and flexible governance framework. We get many suggestions other new initiatives, and we are limited only by the capacity of our volunteers.  If volunteering interests you, please let us know.

Before closing, I would like to welcome our three new SSCA directors: Tory Cadotte (Programs and Events Chair), Rob Kennedy (Property Chair) and Michael Reddy (Secretary). I would also like to thank our retiring directors, Holly Loell, Dan Reszczysnki and Alex Macdonald.  Both Holly and Dan have been SSCA volunteers for many years: Holly since 2013, overseeing SSCA programs, including the day camp; and Dan since 2017, when he and his family took on the organization of the SSCA regatta, a highlight of the summer for many member families.   Finally, I would like to thank Sue Anderson, who retired as our Permanent Secretary this winter after many years of service to SSCA.

Best wishes for a fabulous summer.

Glen Campbell