
The Property Committee oversees the maintenance of the Community Centre’s buildings and grounds. The summer students who are assisting with Property Maintenance for the summer of 2024 are Rachel Tiviluk and Emma Bentley-Taylor.

The Director overseeing Property is Rob Kennedy. If you have any questions or concerns about SSCA property, please contact Rob at:

Renovation of the School House completed May 2024

A Sport Court – built in 2018.

The Dock House – demolished in 2019.

Fitness Centre Improvements – 2020




Latest News

SSCA is Hiring Summer Positions

For 2023, the SSCA is creating two new summer positions: a Programs Director & Assistant Programs Director.  These two individuals will work on-site together and also with the SSCA Board to: Help plan, organize and summer activities and events at the SSCA Community Centre, including our day camp ...

Fitness Centre Improvements

Good news! The SSCA Fitness Center renovations were completed in September 2019 and the facility is ready to be enjoyed by all SSCA members.  The enhancements included purchasing an elliptical machine, spin bike, functional trainer, adjustable bench, new free weights, medicine balls, skipping ropes, ...

Glen Campbell
