The Georgian Bay Association’s new annual Champion of the Bay Award recognizes and honors outstanding community members who actively steward the Georgian Bay in a manner that promotes environmental wellbeing.
Through this award we are excited to:
- collectively appreciate the contributions of committed community members,
- share the local efforts occurring in different associations and
- inspire more people to participate in stewardship activities
Criteria for Qualification
For More information on how to nominate a Champion of the Bay, Please click this link to the GBA website
American Camp Island and the Alexanders
is one of the Georgian Bay Land Trust’s best known Nature Reserves. It was received through the generosity of conservation-minded donors Doug Alexander and Lyn Gillespie. American Camp Island and its immediate neighbour, Andrew’s, are the only public-access part of a larger GBLT-protected Alexander archipelago. The non-public areas of this larger island group contribute significantly to the maintenance of ecosystem health and biodiversity in the Wah Wah Taysee area. Several of the islands in the Alexander archipelago have been painted with conspicuous red dots; the red dots are there to reinforce that they are non-public access and are off limits to visitors.
- Your land trust’s conservation work on public Nature Reserves allows interaction with the natural environment while preserving ecological integrity.
- GBLT’s conservation on non-public-access Nature Reserves allows biodiversity to thrive free from human stressors.
This balance preserves the ecological health of the Georgian Bay coast, and benefits all.
In accordance with conservation goals, we have to limit the number of visitors to American Camp and Andrew’s.
- A red flag or flags flying from American Camp Island signifies the property is at its visitor capacity. At these times we ask that visitors cooperate with the GBLT Students and Stewards and not land.
The busiest times at American Camp are fairweather summer weekends, particularly before, during and after the August long weekend. The wisdom on these days is to arrive early, or to choose another destination.
The GBLT asks all guests to accept responsibility for preserving this island’s ecological values.
When the red flag is hoisted, please respect it and do not land anywhere in the Alexander Islands
- Please leave no human trace
- Please leave no trace of any pet
- Please limit the length of your stay to 4 hours on busy days so that others can visit
- To allow fair access to all, please do not arrive with a group of more than 10 people**
- Please read the general VISITOR’S GUIDE available on our website:
These rules protect the integrity of American Camp and all other GBLT properties.
- Please honour the wildlife and vegetation on this island, and appreciate its unspoiled beauty
- Our “no loud music policy” respects that this is a place for tranquility, for the sound of the birds, the wind
- and waves
- Please come, enjoy, and help preserve this place.
Kids in the Biosphere Activities

We are excited to offer Kids in the Biosphere again this summer! Kids in the Biosphere is a free program for nature enthusiasts ages 6-12. It offers activities and learning materials in a kit curated by Georgian Bay Biosphere for families.
Now in its 11th season, it is offered across the entire Township of The Archipelago, and we can’t wait for your family to join in the fun.GET EXCITED FOR SUMMER!
This year’s kit contains new, fun activities such as:
· Reptile Colouring Book
· Fish ID Guide
· Interactive crafts
· And much more!
The registration form will remain active throughout the summer to reach as many families as possible. For more information, contact Stacey at |
For more information, Click here:
On June 16, 2020, a resolution was passed to change the Biosphere's operating name to Georgian Bay Mnidoo Gamii Biosphere and adopt a new logo. Mnidoo Gamii is the traditional Ojibwa name for Georgian Bay. For common usage, the name Georgian Bay Biosphere (GBB) will be used and the former GBBR ...
September 2020 - Over half of the known phragmites stands in our SSCA area were monitored this summer and a report was sent to GBF. Most of the 13 stands that were checked show no signs of regrowth while the others have very few phragmites present. This is great news and shows that our removal efforts ...