2024 Annual General Meeting

The SSCA AGM is scheduled for Saturday, July 6/24 at 10:00 am at the School House (Zoom information to be finalized). A luncheon will be served following the meeting.  We look forward to seeing you on the 6th!

Notice of A Special Meeting of the Members

NOTICE is hereby given that a Special Meeting of the Members of the Sans Souci and Copperhead Association will be held virtually on Thursday the 6th day of March, 2025, at 7:00pm for the following purposes: To consider a resolution to enter into a contract for the construction of a Community Centre To consider a resolution to enter into a contract for the construction of a Fitness Building To consider a resolution to enter into a contract for the construction of a Playground Review the following Information Circular for specific information relating to the three matters to be dealt with at the Special Meeting - Information Circular Attending the virtual Special Meeting: Join the meeting ahead of time at 6:45 PM Eastern Time to allow for the meeting to begin promptly at 7:00 PM and for the Secretary of the meeting to record those in attendance.

To join the meeting via Zoom go to this link:


Meeting ID: 656 638 5947

If you wish to vote ahead of the meeting by proxy, complete the following proxy form submission before 5:00 PM, Wednesday March 5th, 2025 using this link:


Dated Sunday the 23rd day of February, 2025 Michael Reddy, Secretary of the Sans Souci and Copperhead Association secretary@ssca.info

SSCA President’s Update for New Community Centre and Docks-Oct 2024

Update from SSCA President  Glen Campbell: Link to architectural drawings for the New Community Centre and Docks: SSCA New Build Drawings October 2024 The SSCA dock expansion and relocation is under way.  A new steel-framed ramp base is being constructed at the north end of the cribs (in front of the monuments), a new ramp will be installed, the existing docks will be moved to this location, and two new floating docks will be added, connecting the ramp to the other docks.  This work, along with demolition of the boathouse and the north cribs and walkways, is planned to be completed this  fall.  This will enable safe access to the property  when the new building is under construction.  This project is being carried out by Baywise Construction, paid for by the Dock Fund, to which SSCA and the Sans Souci Tennis Club contribute equally. The new building has been put out to tender to contractors, following receipt of the construction drawings from designer Ray Murakami and architect Lorne Rose on October 4.  These drawings are on our website.  There are minimal changes from the preliminary design finalized in April.  The  building will include a  covered pavilion (1,250 square feet) and a front deck (1,000 square feet) on the same level as the building (1,250 square feet) and connected by a ramp to our new dock ramp.  The building  will include a library/lounge (18'X25'), kitchen (with a serving window to the pavilion), three bathrooms (including one universal bathroom) and a storage room.   We have asked for contractor proposals by November 4, with construction to start next year. We are planning for playground and fitness facilities that will be core elements of our community centre, thanks to substantial directed donations from our community.  We have an ideal location for the playground area  between the new pavilion and the schoolhouse:  it's level, shady, convenient and safe.  For fitness, we have multiple possibilities, which we will be reviewing over the winter, with input from our members.  Let me know if you would like to be part of this planning team. Many thanks to our members and volunteers who have generously supported this project.  We continue to receive donations and pledges, which will be directed towards fixtures, furnishings and equipment, and to the restoration of our site after construction is done.   A special thanks to Laura Hay, who organized the very successful August fundraiser, which raised more than $25,000 for this project.


The SSCA FUN-d-RAISER on August 17, 2024 was a huge success with $25,000 raised towards the new community centre! Many thanks to Laura Hay and her team of volunteers! All funds raised are going to the New Community Centre build. Please see the pictures below!  

Underused Housing Tax

The Underused Housing Tax is an annual 1% tax on the ownership of vacant or underused housing in Canada that took effect on January 1, 2022. The tax usually applies to non-resident, non-Canadian owners. In some situations, however, it also applies to Canadian owners. This is a summary of some of the most important information about the Underused Housing Tax: LINK to SUMMARY If you are an "affected" owner (see definition in LINK to SUMMARY above), you must file an Underused Housing Tax return for each residential property that you own in Canada on December 31. You must also pay the Underused Housing Tax, unless your ownership qualifies for an exemption for the calendar year. Even if your ownership qualifies for an exemption, you must still file an Underused Housing Tax return for the calendar year The minimum penalty for missing the April 30 filing deadline is $5,000 per property for any individual affected owner. The Township of The Archipelago cannot provide you with information or advice on filling out the form. Although we provide links for information that may be useful, please contact your lawyer or accountant with any questions you have regarding your personal taxation and filing obligations. For further information on the UHT and to access the form, please go to the Canada Revenue (CRA) website page here. Non-resident owners of properties on the east and north coasts of Georgian Bay may fall under one of the exemptions (630 or 635) on page 5 of the form, which can be found here. Your roll number is on your tax bill. It is the number that starts with 49 05 and looks like this: 49-05-xxx-xxx-xxxxx-0000. Information regarding your property’s ownership or assigned property information number (PIN) can be accessed through Ontario’s Land Registry Access online portal here ( https://www.onland.ca/ui/ ). Your LRO location is Parry Sound. You will have the option to buy the “Parcel Register”. The parcel register contains all documents on a property, such as the ownership, transfer, and history. There is a cost of $32.50. If you encounter any difficulties using the system, please contact the OnLand Help Centre. Property Information may also be available through a land property title search. Several companies in Ontario can provide this service to you for a fee. Do a website search for an Ontario title search and choose the company that best suits your needs. TOA Website

TOA Ward 4 Councillors’ Update

15 MARCH, 2022 - David Ashley

As I write this in mid March it is snowing but, like many of you, I am thinking about opening the cottage, all the things that need to be done before opening weekend and the tasks that might be sprung on us when we get there. An old piece of doggerel, slightly modified, jumped into my mind: Spring has sprung, The grass is riz, I wonder where them icepacks is. There are a number of things I would like to cover in this update. The first is floating cottages. Over the years we have been concerned over the possibility of floating cottages appearing on the Bay. In the past we have been able prevent them but now there is a manufacturer in the south part of Georgian Bay who is promoting them. The Township’s understanding is that if a “floating cottage” is not attached or associated with private or municipal lands, then regulation of the structure would be the sole jurisdiction of the province (use over crown lake bed) and the federal government (Transport Canada is responsible for the registration of boats and regulating activities on navigable waters). This is a big jurisdictional problem but a solution may be on the horizon. In a message released on the 3rd of March the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry (MDMNRF) announced they are seeking input about the use of floating accommodation on waterways over Ontario’s public lands. The following is an excerpt from their message: “We are seeking to engage municipalities on potential ideas and approaches to manage “camping” and the use of floating accommodations on waterways over Ontario’s public lands. The ministry is seeing increased interest in the use of waterways by various types of vessels (i.e., watercrafts equipped for overnight accommodation). In some cases, the ministry has heard concerns relating to vessels that are primarily designed for accommodation and not navigation. We are seeking input from the public, Indigenous communities, and municipal associations, and various stakeholders including your organization by April 19, 2022. Input from this process will inform consideration of potential future changes intended to address growing concerns around the impacts of this activity on Ontario waterways and those who use them. Please note, no regulatory changes are being proposed at this time. Any regulatory or policy changes that may be considered in the future would be posted on the Environmental Registry for consultation purposes.” I am bringing this bulletin [https://ero.ontario.ca/notice/019-5119] to your attention to encourage your association and your members to submit their concerns to the ministry before the 19th of April deadline. The Township’s response is currently being developed and will be available on our website once it is completed but no later than the end of the month.   At our last Council meeting held on the 10th of March, we approved a new waste management bylaw. You will be hearing more about this shortly and full details are included in the agenda for that meeting on our website. One thing I would like to point out is that you will now be able to get rid of small (up to 30 ft.) wooden and fibreglass boats by trailering them to our Site 9 Dump or the Healey Lake Transfer Station. There will be a very reasonable fee charged for disposal of boats. Our boat ramps at Woods Bay and Holiday Cove Marina are available to you for this purpose. Aluminium boats are metal waste.   We are currently working on our budget and tax rate for this year. The budget will be on the agenda for approval at our April meeting. One piece of good news is that we are planning on removing all the unencapsulated foam from all township owned docks. Also, the value of building permits for 2021 was more than double the previous ten year average and the pace of requests has continued into 2022. To ensure we continue to provide proper service levels, for both approvals and enforcement, we are adding staff in the Planning and Building Department.   Our office is currently closed to “walk-in” visitors but the community centre in Point au Baril is gradually being opened. We are closely monitoring and following the recommendations of the Board of Health and all our operations will return to normal as soon as the Board of Health is comfortable with the progress in the fight against Covid-19   Stay safe and stay healthy. We are looking forward to seeing you on The Bay soon and to wonderful summer of cottaging. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact our excellent Township staff or one of your Ward Four councillors: Alice Barton, Rick Zanussi or myself, David Ashley. If you make a submission to MDMNRF on floating cottages please send us a copy.

SSCA is Hiring Summer Positions

For 2023, the SSCA is creating two new summer positions: a Programs Director & Assistant Programs Director.  These two individuals will work on-site together and also with the SSCA Board to: Help plan, organize and summer activities and events at the SSCA Community Centre, including our day camp (6 weeks), regatta, paddling/sailing races and social events Look after the community centre property, including lawn cutting, garbage removal, cleaning the schoolhouse building Liaison with the SSCA Board, including attendance at SSCA board meetings Recruit and supervise volunteers to assist with these activities Both positions will run from the beginning of June through Labour Day weekend. They are full-time positions, but the hours will vary depending on the activities planned. Candidates should have strong boating and water safety skills, strong organizational and communication skills, a good work ethic, and a strong interest in working with children and young people. Contact Glen Campbell (campbellglend@gmail.com) to learn more about these exciting opportunities. Compensation will be [$10,000] for the Director and [$8,000] for the Assistant. Both will be eligible for a bonus. Please share this information with your family and friends!

2021 Annual General Meeting

Was held on Saturday, October 16th, 2021 at 10:00 am to 12:00 noon via Zoom.  Notification of the meeting was emailed to members on July 8th, September 24th and Oct 15th. Kreston GTA has reviewed the financial statements of Sans Souci And Copperhead Association that comprise the statement of financial position as at December 31, 2020, and the related statements of operations, changes in fund balances and cash flows for the year then ended. The 2020 unaudited Financial Statements approved at the 2021 AGM are here The 2021 AGM Presentation can be found here A video recording of the AGM Meeting can be found here The unapproved 2021 SSCA AGM Minutes can be found here

Add Your Support to the Decibel Coalition

The Decibel Coalition is a Safe Quiet Lakes (SQL) initiative aimed at introducing Canadian legislation to curb excessive boat noise similar to legislation already in place in the US and Europe. The Coalition wants to expand the Canada Small Vessel Regulations (SOR/2010-91) to include decibel limits on engine noise. The muffler issue will be brought forward at the Canadian Marine Advisory Council (CMAC) meetings this November with Transport Canada. The two channels available to add your support are: Write to the local MP at your Bay property and copy the Transport Minister and the Transport Committee. Sign the Decibel Coalition’s petition to get decibel limits in place for boat motor noise. Information about signing the petition form and a sample letter can be found on the GBA website-  georgianbay.ca

SSCA issues request for proposals for Bookkeeping and Directory Production Services

The SSCA has issued a request for proposals to provide bookkeeping and directory production services. Please go to here for the document and share it with anyone that you think may be interested in submitting a proposal. More information here.

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